A brand new, responsive OM&HB

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

The days when I switched my blog design every few months are very long gone, but here we are again with a new look OM&HB, only 20 months after the last one.

Here’s what it looks like right now:

Responsive OM&HB

And this is why it is significant:

A responsive OM&HB

Yes, I’ve finally gone mobile-friendly and responsive.

I pretty much had no choice: tablet and phone traffic is nudging towards 50% of my site traffic – and it gets even higher than that on “big hit” posts. If I care about my readers – and I do – I should be catering to their device choice.

Also, frankly, when I’m talking to publishers and journalists about mobile strategy, having a design that’s not mobile-friendly was getting rather embarrassing.

What’s changed?

  • Responsive design! Yes, I said that above. But it’s the most important thing…
  • The sidebar returns. Yes, I tried to bury it all at the bottom of the page, but it didn’t work. A single sidebar is still useful.
  • Sharing buttons are gone. An experiment: I want to see if the lack of sharing buttons has any traffic impact.
  • Pagingation. You can actually (at long last) page back through older entries from the homepage of the site.
  • Taupy RIP. Yes, the lizard finally bites the dust. Here, for a final time, is Taupy, the mascot of this blog for the best part of eight years:


What do you think?

adminmobile strategyOM&HBresponsive design

Adam Tinworth Twitter

Adam is a lecturer, trainer and writer. He's been a blogger for over 20 years, and a journalist for more than 30. He lectures on audience strategy and engagement at City, University of London.
