Building Ampp3d - technically

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

the source code for Ampp3d

If you’re interested in the technical detail of how sites come to be – and if you’re serious about publishing, you should be – William Turrell’s account of how he built Ampp3d makes for fascinating reading:

I find it helps to put something imperfect into the wild but make a private commitment to yourself to come back and deal with it properly later; my record on that is far from 100% but there’s a definite sense of achievement when resolving a long standing bug or paying off your technical debt.

And that honesty is on show throughout the piece.

However, buried down near the end are words that sent a chill through me:

Now that the site has proven itself editorially, The Mirror want to bring it within their own CMS, but my intention is to archive the present version (and it’s URLs) for posterity.

That’s a decision I have literally never seen end well.

Good luck Ampp3d team…

Ampp3ddeveloperstrinity mirrorWordPress

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Adam is a lecturer, trainer and writer. He's been a blogger for over 20 years, and a journalist for more than 30. He lectures on audience strategy and engagement at City, University of London.
