Morning Coffee Reading 16/7/14

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

Coffee in Tom Foolery

Four good reads that I think are worth your coffee time this morning:

  • Looking for a job in journalism? Kevin Anderson, who recently landed a great one, has some really excellent advice for preparing for the journalism job interview. His point about researching the community the title serves is very well-made, and all too often neglected by job hunters.
  • Meanwhile, Paul Bradshaw has some excellent advice for journalists looking to the security of their work, their online presence and their sources. You’re not paranoid if they’re out to get you, and given the nasty piece of legislation that was pushed through yesterday, I think we can assume that no online communication is secure, unless completely encrypted.
  • An interesting look at the media consumption habits of the under-24s. Consume with caution because we know that people habits change with age, but that’s more than balanced by the fact that they’re starting from a very different place that earlier generations.
  • Google has finally given up on its **”real names only” policy for Google+**. I’m not going to make the standard joke about G+ being a ghost town – as I can see clearly from my feed over there that it isn’t. However, the activity there is limited to select communities – but that was the case for Twitter and Facebook at the same stage (time-wise) in their evolution.

Enjoy your coffee.

confidentialityGooglejobsJournalismmedia trendssecurity

Adam Tinworth Twitter

Adam is a digital journalism lecturer, trainer and writer. He's been a blogger for over 20 years, a journalist for 30 and teaches audience strategy and engagement at City St George’s, London.
