Heeled by LeWeb's concierge

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

I’ve had the odd problem at LeWeb before – like getting stranded at the venue, with little choice but to walk back to my hotel. Yesterday, this happened:

Lonely heel seeks shoes

I was perturbed, to say the least. I was hoping the rest of the shoe would hold together long enough for me to get to the shops and acquire a new pair. Obviously, I tweeted about this tragedy:

@adders contact concierge (at) leweb (dot) co (seriously!) Thx, James— LeWeb (@leweb) December 9, 2014

LeWeb has a concierge? Who knew? Well, clearly the social media team. Probably the VIPs as well. But I’d never encountered him before. Still, it was worth a try, surely? I e-mailed, and then called after a prompt from LeWeb on Twitter, and a charming French chap turned up – and took my shoe away. And that left me like this:

My sock, unleashed upon the world

Now, I was really nervous. I had visions of myself hopping to the Metro, hopping through the streets of Paris, suffering gallic disdain for my strange British ways. But no, he came back. And my shoes were fixed:


I think I can safely say I’ve never been so glad to see a Frenchman in my life. So, three cheers for the LeWeb concierge. He heeled me:

Le Web's concierge.


Adam Tinworth Twitter

Adam is a lecturer, trainer and writer. He's been a blogger for over 20 years, and a journalist for more than 30. He lectures on audience strategy and engagement at City, University of London.
