Non-binary stock photography
Vice's Broadly brand has release some free stock photography featuring trans and non-binary folk.
This is a neat idea, that will be useful to a lot of sites:
The Gender Spectrum Collection is a stock photo library featuring images of trans and non-binary models that go beyond the clichés of putting on makeup and holding trans flags. This collection aims to help media outlets better represent members of these communities as people not necessarily defined by their gender identities—people with careers, relationships, talents, passions, and home lives.
There's a fairly limited selection, so I imagine some of them will become really familiar, really quickly, especially as trans issues have been fairly significant in the press of late. But it's still a thoughtful way of moving coverage forwards.
You can get the images at the Broadly Gender Spectrum Collection.
Update 29/9/22
The collection now lives at the Gender Spectrum Collection, after Broadly was absorbed into Vice back in 2019.
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