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Five telling quotes

Five pieces worth your times — and quotes that show you why.

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

You are not your audience

Sarah Scire, quoting Fernanda Braune Brackenrich, U.S. audience engagement editor at the Financial Times for Nieman Lab:

“Journalists have assumptions about their readers,” Brackenrich noted. “One of them that is very common is that they think their readers are as obsessed with the news cycle as they are. They cannot fathom why that explainer — with ‘such basic questions’ — did so well.”

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Social Media ≠ The World

Yascha Mounk, reviewing his predictions for 2024:

Today, social media retains a key role in society—but the recognition that the posts that get the most likes on Twitter, Instagram or (yes) TikTok don’t necessarily represent the views of most Americans has thankfully spread far and wide.

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Just say no to the AI chum

Users have found some of Meta’s experimental AI-created profiles. And they are… underwhelmed:

“What the fuck does an AI know about dating?????” reads one recent comment on the AI dating coach bot’s profile. “This isn’t only virtual blackface, but it’s just all around weird,” a commenter wrote on a post on Liv’s page.

I keep saying it, but using AI to create things people don’t want is not a smart use of the tech.

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Imagine all the people, created by an AI

Nick Heer, on the same story:

Imagine opening any of Meta’s products after this has taken over. Imagine how little you will see from the friends and family members you actually care about. Imagine how much slop you will be greeted with — a feed alternating between slop, suggested posts, and ads, with just enough of what you actually opened the app to see. Now consider how this will affect people who are more committed to Meta’s products, whether for economic reasons or social cohesion.

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Digital is IRL

Ed Zitron in a marvellous end of year rant:

There is no digital world and physical world — they are, and have been, the same for quite some time, and reporting on tech as if this isn’t the case fails the user. It may seem a little dramatic, but take a second and really think about how many little digital irritations you deal with in a day. It’s time to wake up to the fact that our digital lives are rotten.

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audience engagementSocial MediaAI

Adam Tinworth Twitter

Adam is a digital journalism lecturer, trainer and writer. He's been a blogger for over 20 years, a journalist for 30 and teaches audience strategy and engagement at City St George’s, London.
