
The art and craft of the personal blog — and the business of blogging as part of the creator economy.

Is Medium aiming to be the Facebook of long-form writing? Members Public

Stowe Boyd has some serious questions about the future of Medium [] : > And what about Medium? Are we better off because of Medium’s mechanisms to suggest to us what to read, or would we be better off with thousands of independent curators and publishers,

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth
blog platforms

Blogs are digital thought spaces Members Public

Om Malik []: > When relaxing in the sun this past weekend, I realized that my original blog was my thought space, and that is why it resonated with my community. Among all the blogs I continue to follow — Dave Winer, John Gruber, Bob

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

Building trust in news through transparency Members Public

Ipsita Agarwal, writing back in the summer []: > There is perhaps a concept to be experimented with where a news publisher builds a news literacy project containing explainers of how some of its best reporting was done — how was the information collected, verified, and presented;

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

Maintaining friendships without social networks Members Public

Maintaining friendships after Facebook and Twitter [] : > Some people are like, “How are you supposed to maintain normal human relationships?” Don’t worry, I tell them. There are way better ways to be internet friends than Facebook and Twitter. In fact, most of them already

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

Mattress review sites are a nightmare of affiliate links and court battles Members Public

Fast Company’s David Zax has written a fascinating account of the industry of mattress review sites that have sprung up. They’ve been sustained by the new breed of mattress startups that deliver mattresses-in-a-box to your home for much less than the traditional businesses. It’s clear that many

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth
affiliate marketing

Why is the journalism business so dismissive of Medium's new model? An experiment. Members Public

This morning, I’ve written a 2,000 word blog post about journalism and publishing strategy. But, you’ll note, this is the first blog post on here today. What’s going on? Well, Medium recently expanded their partner program [], allowing more writers to lock

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

Blog, people Members Public

> My Twitter feed is turning into terribly long, competing threads. Blog, people. — Jeff Jarvis (@jeffjarvis) July 30, 2017 [] Amen.

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

Why you should blog, according to a VC Members Public

Fred Wilson []: > But I do believe that writing regularly makes it so much easier to speak publicly in unscripted situations. Writing forces you to work out your views and articulate them clearly and concisely. Then when you are asked a question related to

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth