31-3.7 Bursting bubbles, and getting tech to grow up Paid Members Public
[http://www.onemanandhisblog.com/archives/assets_c/2014/03/beach-sunset-3605.html] I just wrote a post for NEXT Berlin [http://nextberlin.eu/2014/03/missing-aircraft-we-need-to-get-serious-about-the-internet-of-things/] which has provoked a little more reaction [https://www.facebook.com/nextconf/posts/10152221294013847?stream_ref=10] than normal. I admit – it’s a more
Le Web 3: Is there a Web 2.0 bubble? Paid Members Public
Here comes the VCs… Is there a web bubble? It seems not, but there are some issues to be resolved. For example, is the available talent split amongst too many small start-ups? Would some mergers pull more talent together? The lack of a market bubble may be attributable to Sarbanes-Oxley,