Covering Our Future (or where are the designers?) Paid Members Public
I don’t write much about print on here, but long-time readers will know I’m not a “print is dead” type. I do believe that print will have to change and evolve to deal with the changing environment – much as theatre had to after the coming of cinema and
Boris: The Hairdressers' Choice? Paid Members Public
[https://i0.wp.com/www.onemanandhisblog.com/content/images/2008/05/Boris-Johnson-hair.jpg] My obligatory London elections post.[Boris beats Ken – in the style stakes](http://www.hji.co.uk/blogs/main/2008/04/boris-v-ken-who-tops-the-style.html). Because, clearly, style is everything.We publish an entertainingly broad range of stuff, sometimes…
HJi Does Serious Journalism Paid Members Public
We only deal with the most classy, stimulating business content here at RBI blogging HQ. From my lofty desk, overlooking stunning Sutton, glistening cosmopolitan metropolis of Surrey, I cast a careful eye over the blogging think meats we distribute through our official magazine blogs.And what could please me more
HJi Eye Candy Paid Members Public
Launching the Hairdressers Journal blog Paid Members Public
Not often that I get the chance to shoot models… I’m at Salon International, a major exhibition for the hairdressing business, helping launch the Hairdressers Journal Blog [http://www.hji.co.uk/blogs/main/], the first major blog launch from RBI since this stuff became my job. Check it