ipad apps
iPads: for the technophobic B2B markets…? Paid Members Public
Damian Wild on building Estates Gazette‘s first iPad app [http://itunes.apple.com/gb/app/estates-gazette-special-edition/id451446206?mt=8] : > When it comes to embracing new technologies property isn’t normally on the fast train. It’s a face-to-face business, dealing with assets that usually last lifetimes. But at
Telling your readers where to go. Literally. Paid Members Public
The decisions that newspapers make around “serving” their readers just astound me sometimes. Dave Winer on accessing the New York Post via his iPad [http://scripting.com/stories/2011/06/18/theNyPostTheIpadAndTheWeb.html]: > Today I was told by the Post that I couldn’t read the article on the
Getting our grubby paws on iPad subscriber data Paid Members Public
Well, now, this is interesting, isn’t it? > Although the idea of giving iPad owners a choice of whether or not to divulge their name, email and zipcode sent chills through some publishers, a report finds nearly 50 percent of people click the “allow” button. For some time, Apple
Moleskine meet Moleskine Paid Members Public
[https://i0.wp.com/www.onemanandhisblog.com/content/images/2011/04/Photo-Apr-20%2C-15-04-11.jpg] My moleskine meets the [iPad Moleskine app](http://www.moleskine.com/moleskine_world/moleskine_app/)… Not sure that the modern version’s quite the same without the ability to cover it in web-related stickers, but it’
Needs MOAR byline Paid Members Public
The problem with creating iPad apps in a print-like format is that, well, sometimes print-like errors slip through…