journalist blogs
Calling a blog a blog Paid Members Public
Andy Boyle [] : > It’s time to stop bifurcating your content as blogs and news because they run on separate systems. It is all content, so why not call it that? Even if you have outside people writing posts on your website
Blogging & Journalism; Form & Function Paid Members Public
Mr John Bethune is clearly a man of excellent taste and discernment []: > …let me state for the record that Tinworth is one of my favorite and most respected bloggers []. (Flattery will, at the very least, get you
Thanks to... Paid Members Public
Just a quick thank you to John & Laura of for mentioning me as one of their journalism bloggers of 2009 [] . Also, Neil Perkin of Only Dead Fish has nominated my [Death of the News Package](http:
Devolving Ownership for Better Blogging Paid Members Public
Now, that’s a challenge for existing editorial teams, where the editor is used to being essentially a despotic ruler, with the desk heads as the high priests*. It requires the editor to stop being a director, but move more into a conductor role, where they make sure that the

Economy of a new scale publishing Paid Members Public
Thoughts on a busy day in publishing.
Why I Won't Miss Press Gazette Paid Members Public
Because for all its “impact and authority”, *Press Gazette *was never really like that for me. For one reason or another, I’ve found myself working in the trade magazine niche of specialish magazines, and the whole specialist magazine sector was never well covered by Press Gazette [http://www.onemanandhisblog.

Two New Blogs from Former Student Hacks Paid Members Public
Bit frantic at the moment – been off for a week, and returned to a pile of work. But today I’ve discovered to my delight that two old friends from my days on Felix [], Imperial College’s student rag, are blogging. Declan Curry, best known
Another Drop in the Media Ocean Paid Members Public
[] Patrick Smith of Press Gazette (which may be about to go web-only []), has finally dipped his toes into the bloggy waters of journalistic blogging with his own