The LeWeb bandwidth test Paid Members Public
Oh, the delights of sitting at the media desks, with the hard-wired Ethernet connections: Tuesday [http://www.speedtest.net/my-result/3971001798] Wednesday [http://www.speedtest.net/my-result/3974608386] Thursday [http://www.speedtest.net/my-result/3977140324]

Owyang's big LeWeb bet Paid Members Public
Jeremiah Owyang has announced a huge career change. Quite a risk.
Revisiting Apple Maps Paid Members Public
[https://i2.wp.com/www.onemanandhisblog.com/content/images/2013/12/paris-hotel.png] Occasionally, I make decisions which make me question my own sanity. For example, last Monday, I arrived in Paris via the Eurostar, after attending a funeral in the morning. What’s the obvious thing to do next?
The face(s) of emerging media Paid Members Public
[http://www.flickr.com/photos/lucasartoni/11337783913/] This year’s LeWeb Official Bloggers (minus a few), shot by the painfully talented Luca [http://www.lucasartoni.com]. I’m concerned how much I look like the aged patriarch of the group – given that some others, like Erno [http://ernohannink.com/blog/
LeWeb Paris 2013 Startup Competition Winners announced Paid Members Public

IndieWeb - Kevin Marks on the web that will win (LeWeb 13) Paid Members Public
Can we reclaim the open web from the closed social silos? Kevin Marks thinks so…
Is France ready for start-ups? Paid Members Public
I’m not liveblogging this session, because I’m not well-versed enough in French politics to be confident of doing it justice. There’s a fascinating battle breaking out on stage, though. Arnaud Montebourg, Minister of Redressement Productif in France, is on stage trying to defend France’s reputation for
#leweb - Ramez Naam and our cyborg future Paid Members Public
Liveblog of Ramez Naam [http://rameznaam.com] talking at LeWeb Paris 2013 The coming cyborg Invasive cyborg technology is coming – wired contact lens, the pill cam which travels through your intestines taking 30 FPS photos and sending them wirelessly. All of those are awesome – but what happens when we network