mark zuckerberg

Missing Links & Unfinished Thoughts #2: An Ugly Truth or Two Paid Members Public
More interesting links and thoughts culled from my horrible unfinished draft post habit.
The Zuckerberg Obfuscation Paid Members Public
Like all the post produced by Mark Zuckerberg’s team, the recent anniversary post was carefully written to obfuscate a core issue.
A translation of elements of Mark Zuckerberg's Facebook anniversary post from Zuck to English Paid Members Public
Let me just clarify a few points in Zuckerberg's anniversary address…
Facebook speeds up assimilation of WhatsApp and Instagram Paid Members Public
Looks like a handy way of fending off the regulators and avoiding a break-up.

Facebook wants us to know that it's the real victim here Paid Members Public
Look, Facebook is the real victim here, being picked on by the mean, nasty press. Don't you feel sorry for these unaccountable billionaires?

Instagram founders walk away from Facebook Paid Members Public
The founders of Instagram are walking away from Facebook. What's next for them - and for the photo sharing app?

Facebook traffic to publishers is gone - and Campbell Brown just erected its tombstone Paid Members Public
Reports from Australia make it clear the traffic from Facebook is a thing of the past - and that Zuckerberg never took it seriously in the first place.

Facebook distorts everything around the idea of engagement Paid Members Public
Siva Vaidhyanathan, professor of media studies at the University of Virginia and the author of Antisocial Media: How Facebook Disconnects Us and Undermines Democracy, has some compelling theories on how Facebook became whaat it is.
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