music industry
The UK iTunes Store is 10 years old Paid Members Public
It’s not often that you start your working week with 10 free songs, but apparently I was one of the earliest people to sign up for an iTunes account in the UK when the iTunes store launched here a decade ago [
#likeminds - Chris Carey on music as a canary Paid Members Public
 Blimey – it’s the PRS []! Traditional music industry guy talking at a conference full of internet types.
The iTunes/Kate Bush Mystery Paid Members Public
We in the Hellhole (our affectionate name for the flat we’re refurbishing) are firm believers in digital music – we just don’t buy CDs any more. In my case, it’s the combination of convenience and price, for my wife, it’s all about having fewer things cluttering up
Buy music, or just subscribe? Paid Members Public
According to a report on Macminute, [] some online music providers are claiming that subscriptions are the way forwards: > Napster [], Yahoo say iTunes is doomed | MacMinute [] News:
Time To Put Your Clothes On? Paid Members Public
Sean Riley [] links to this article: – Does sex still sell? – Jan. 21, 2004 [] The gist of the article is that selling artists through their