
A quick glimpse at the next evolution of Facebook's newsfeed Members Public

Mark has plans to make you fully immersed…

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

It's not just journalism, it's politics too Members Public

Jim Waterson writing for BuzzFeed UK []: > Tory and Labour digital strategists have told BuzzFeed News that their ability to reach millions of ordinary voters could be under threat as a result of Zuckerberg’s tweak. Senior staff at both leading parties have raised

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

Facebook Newsfeed Change: the 5 stages of grief in tweets Members Public

Just in case you missed it, Facebook just made a BIG algorithm change [] . Journo Twitter is busy passing through the stages of grief… Denial > Facebook engagement decline has been happening all

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

A brief translation of today's Facebook news from Facebook speak to English Members Public

Facebook has made a major announcement about the future of its newsfeed [] and, in particular, its relationship to news publishers []. It is, of course, posted in that relentlessly upbeat obfuscation that’s

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

What Facebook is doing to deceptive newsfeed clickbait will change your life Members Public

Facebook is weeding out some deceptive clickbait practices [] : > When people click on an image in their News Feed featuring a play button, they expect a video to start playing. Spammers often use fake play buttons to trick people into clicking links

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

Facebook rolling out text statuses with coloured backgrounds to the web Members Public

This afternoon, I took a little light mockery from a friend [] for posting a Facebook update that looks like this: He had assumed I was algorithm-gaming by posting my update as an image, not text. But I wasn’t. Instead, while making the post, I’d

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

Watch: Nice newsfeed you've got there. Shame if something happened to it. Members Public

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth