
Google seeks hidden gems, and YouTube polices AI Paid Members Public
YouTube is policing AI, LinkedIn is getting personal — and so is Google?
LinkedIn, TikTok and the dawn of the algorithm wars Paid Members Public
LinkedIn, the dull elder sibling of Facebook and Twitter, is slowly finding new relevance. But the war over TikTok points the way to social media's future.
Coronavirus: Facebook is becoming an unreliable source of traffic Paid Members Public
As content moderators are sent home, AI tools are taking over their content policing job - and getting it wrong.
Engaged Reading Digest: the unexpected face of polarisation Paid Members Public
The assumptions many people make about social media, news consumption and polarisation may not be accurate. Prepare for a surprise…

MailOnline takes brutal hit from Google algorithm update Paid Members Public
A MailOnline SEO has admitted to a big traffic hit from a Google change.

Domain hopping to beat the Facebook algorithm Paid Members Public
Craig Silverman on a new technique some publishers are using to beat Facebook algorithm changes [] : > “Publishers have found that their domains are often penalized by Facebook’s algorithm over policy changes that they don’t announce publicly. As a result you can see