Journalism and politics are inescapably inter-twined.
Twitter bans voting misinformation Paid Members Public
Twitter explicitly bans voter suppression tactics on its service.
How the Brexit votes of a Welsh town turned Carole Cadwalladr into an investigative journalist Paid Members Public
An inspiring - and fascinating - talk into how a simple feature put the Observer journalist on the trail of the biggest Facebook scandal.
As Julian Assange is arrested, the questions posed by Wikileaks remain as pressing as ever Paid Members Public
Julian Assange has been dragged from the Ecuadorian embassy under arrest. Whatever happens to him, the impact of Wikileaks on journalism and politics will continue to be felt for years.
It's not just journalism, it's politics too Paid Members Public
Jim Waterson writing for BuzzFeed UK [https://www.buzzfeed.com/jimwaterson/labour-tories-facebook-campaigns]: > Tory and Labour digital strategists have told BuzzFeed News that their ability to reach millions of ordinary voters could be under threat as a result of Zuckerberg’s tweak. Senior staff at both leading parties have raised