We'll regret surrendering our ambient privacy Paid Members Public
You don't know what you've got til it's gone. They paved paradise and put up a Facebook lot.
Journalists: update your iOS devices now Paid Members Public
Today’s security update for Apple’s iOS devices [] is a serious one: > One of the world’s most evasive digital arms dealers is believed to have been taking advantage of three security vulnerabilities in popular Apple products in

Tory digital privacy moves scare off Ghost Paid Members Public
Here’s an actual product moving overseas [] thanks to the UK government’s moves on digital privacy (as opposed to a notional one [] ): > The UK’s newly elected Conservative government recently pledged to scrap the

Don't put your daughter on the blog, Mrs Worthington Paid Members Public
Slightly terrifying look into life as a toddler social media celebrity []: > Scout the City [] is touted as fashion’s first “kids’ influencer” blog [], its heroine a pint-sized social media giant in the

LeWeb: Tim Berners-Lee and the societal impact of the web Paid Members Public
The inventor of the web has some serious concerns about its future — and some amazing tales about its past.
Understanding Tor - and the anonymous internet Paid Members Public
If you’ve been following stories like the Snowdon NSA revelations or the recent Silk Road bust, you’ll probably have come across mentions of Tor. Want to know exactly what it is? The Next Web does an excellent job of both explaining Tor, and putting it in context [http: