
Journalism and politics are inescapably inter-twined.

How the Brexit votes of a Welsh town turned Carole Cadwalladr into an investigative journalist Members Public

An inspiring - and fascinating - talk into how a simple feature put the Observer journalist on the trail of the biggest Facebook scandal.

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

As Julian Assange is arrested, the questions posed by Wikileaks remain as pressing as ever Members Public

Julian Assange has been dragged from the Ecuadorian embassy under arrest. Whatever happens to him, the impact of Wikileaks on journalism and politics will continue to be felt for years.

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth
julian assange

Facebook speeds up assimilation of WhatsApp and Instagram Members Public

Looks like a handy way of fending off the regulators and avoiding a break-up.

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

Why political posts on Facebook will always be polarizing. Members Public

The very nature of Facebook makes in antithetical to political debate.

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

What will the next generation of social media-savvy politicians look like? Members Public

An attempt to mock Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez for dancing in a video when she was a student opens up the question of how social media will impact the next generation of politicians.

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth
Social Media

Even in the depths of the social media backlash, there’s reason for hope Members Public

At the end of a session at LCC [http://www.arts.ac.uk/lcc/courses/undergraduate/ba-hons-journalism/] today — I’m doing a small series of workshops on social media in journalism for the 2nd year undergraduates there under the auspices of Russell Merryman [http://www.arts.ac.uk/lcc/people/

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

It's not just journalism, it's politics too Members Public

Jim Waterson writing for BuzzFeed UK [https://www.buzzfeed.com/jimwaterson/labour-tories-facebook-campaigns]: > Tory and Labour digital strategists have told BuzzFeed News that their ability to reach millions of ordinary voters could be under threat as a result of Zuckerberg’s tweak. Senior staff at both leading parties have raised

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

Chinese intelligence services using fake social media profiles to gather data Members Public

Reuters [https://www.reuters.com/article/us-germany-security-china/german-intelligence-unmasks-alleged-covert-chinese-social-media-profiles-idUSKBN1E40CA] : > Germany’s intelligence service has published the details of social network profiles which it says are fronts faked by Chinese intelligence to gather personal information about German officials and politicians. I think it’s fair to say that social networks have

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth