Social Media

Posts about social media platforms, how to use them and techniques for getting the best results.

Simon Heffer: Missing the Social in Twitter Members Public

Oh, yawn. Yet another newspaper columnist has a go at Twitter [] and social networking generally.  This time it’s Simon Heffer of the Telegraph, and you can predict the main beats of the article: shallow, pointless, empty… At least

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth
daily telegraph

The Importance of Disconnecting (Occasionally) Members Public

“Moderation in everything,” my late mother used to say, somewhat ironically given how much unused wool and unpainted china she left behind. But, like many clichés, it has a deep element of truth, as I’ve discovered by disconnecting somewhat from my normal blogging-twittering-photographing lifestyle. A quiet weekend with friends

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

4 Steps to Social Media Heaven Members Public

There is, I think, a tendency for journalists to over-complicate social media and how they talk about it. Somehow they makes something which is fundamentally just about talking to people, well, hard. Look at the recent kerfuffle about the WSJ [

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

Reporting the G20 Protests with Social Media Members Public

*Photo by [RachelH_ on Flickr](, used under a [Creative Commons licence](*My work schedule means that I’m sat in Sutton today, while all the reporting action is up in central London, as

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

Twitter as a Backchannel Members Public

I’m at the Social Media influence 09 [] conference in London this morning. Lots of interesting stuff cropping up, but I did like Robin []‘s use of Twitter as a back-channel during the Enterprise 2.0 panel. The technology

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

NUJ: Response from a Union Official Members Public

I have been given permission to publish this response from Jenny Lennox, assistant organiser at the NUJ. The e-mail was broadly agreeing with another member’s post which stated that the member hadn’t come across any journalist who don’t believe that good journalism can happen online, and that

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

The NUJ, Social Media and Video Conversation Members Public

Laura Oliver of [] has started a video conversation about the NUJ & social media over on video conversation service Seesmic: If you’ve got a webcam, you can join in [].

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

NUJ: Still Not "Getting" Social Media Members Public

I have something of a love/hate relationship with the National Union of Journalists. Love, because I believe in the principle of unions, and because the NUJ has done good things for some of my former colleagues []. Hate, because I

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth
digital journalism