digital journalism
Are you tempted by shiny things syndrome? Paid Members Public
Are we letting ourselves get distracted by cool new formats, rather than doing the really hard work of rethinking our journalism for the post-digital age?

Why you should subscribe to Nick Petrie's Evolving Newsroom Paid Members Public
The Times's deputy digital head has a great new newsletter. Here's why it's worth your time.
Seven lessons in the future of digital journalism Paid Members Public
Seven recent stories from around the web — and the underlying themes they represent
Why completion matters to digital journalism Paid Members Public
There's a psychological impact of completion we ignore at our peril
The Basics of Digital Journalism: Attention and Atomisation Paid Members Public
There are two fundamental concepts needed to understand digital journalism. Here's a primer.
The Guardian squandered its institutional knowledge of podcasts Paid Members Public
Over a decade ago, The Guardian was a genuine innovator, launching a daily news podcast. It's revisiting that idea in 2018 - seemingly unaware that they've done it before.

One Man & His Blog is now running on Ghost 2.0 Paid Members Public
I've just updated the Ghost CMS I use to run this blog to version 2.0 - and it's a little glimpse of the future.