
Some follow up on the Google News Lab University Network Paid Members Public
Two bits of feedback to yesterday’s piece on the Google News Lab University Network [https://www.onemanandhisblog.com/archives/2016/12/fake-news-political-propaganda.html] . The Frenemy Dance > Remember when Google was the enemy in many publishers’ eyes? It appears it and Facebook have swapped… — Adam Tinworth (@adders) December 6,

Google News Lab partnering with university journalism departments Paid Members Public
Journalism education in the UK has a digital problem. I’ve worked with a number of universities offering journalism degrees now – and there’s a consistent pattern. While there are a few bright spots of very deep digital knowledge, it’s unevenly spread, even within individual departments. It’s no
Carnival of Journalism: All The Uni Posts Paid Members Public
[https://i1.wp.com/www.onemanandhisblog.com/content/images/2011/01/coj_2.jpg] David Cohn has linked to all the Carnival of Journalism posts on the role of universities [http://carnivalofjournalism.com/2011/01/21/a-confetti-carnival-of-journalism-jcarn-the-role-of-universities/] , in an epic piece of aggregation. There’s some meaty writing in there,
Research and radical reinvention: universities' role in journalism Paid Members Public
Carnival of Journalism: It’s back, and this time it’s personal [http://carnivalofjournalism.com/2010/10/22/hello-world/]… David Cohn [http://blog.digidave.org/] has brought the journalism blog carnival back from its grave. For those who haven’t experienced blog carnivals in the past, they’re an excuse