#media140 : Show Me The Money - Bernard Desarnauts Paid Members Public
Last keynote of the day: Bernard Desarnauts of Glam Media and Tinker.com talking (in theory) about where the money is.Media is every-fragmenting. Blogs are growing as are social networks. Traffic is fragmenting around topics, and traditional sites are drawing a small and smaller amount of people’s time.
Watch Your Widgets Paid Members Public
Bloggers Blog: Widgets, Third Party Tools Can Weigh Down Blogs [http://www.bloggersblog.com/cgi-bin/bloggersblog.pl?bblog=212073] > Too much widget bling can slow down your blog and/or make your blog look hideous Beth said something similar recently [http://bethlet.net/catacombs/2007/01/on_widgets.html]

Twittering MyBlogLog (or my new toys) Paid Members Public
There’s a couple of social tools I’ve fallen in love with over the last month or so. Twitter is horribly addictive. It allows you update your friends with quick updates as to what you’re doing via text message, IM or the Twitter website. It doesn’t sound
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