48 Hours of My Telegraph

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

mytelegraphrude.pngSo, how are things going with My Telegraph? The site, which went quietly live back on Tuesday night, got a huge push this morning, with virtually the whole of page 2 of the dead tree edition devoted to the site, and how to create your own blog. And sure enough there was a sudden inrush of new bloggers, ready to throw their thoughts into the waiting Telegraph Blogosphere. Some were confident, some tentative, some downright rude (see right). The latter were swiftly weeded off the site through the day (although I imagine such idiots will get longer exposure if they post during the night). And some people are using swear words pretty gratuitously, while trashing good blogging guidelines in their first posts…

Still, less that 24 hours into the first public phase of the experiment, there are some interesting posts scrolling by, as well as the first signs of an emergent community around the site. Definitely showing promise.

Update: Head honcho Shane Richmond has posted his thought on the day’s proceedings.

Meanwhile The Blog Herald is busy embarrassing the blogging community by reporting than the already live site is coming soon. Whoops.

bloggersBloggingmy telegraphthe telegraphuser generated content

Adam Tinworth Twitter

Adam is a lecturer, trainer and writer. He's been a blogger for over 20 years, and a journalist for more than 30. He lectures on audience strategy and engagement at City, University of London.
