Blog Update: Facebook Connect is here!
All, being well, this blog should now be running on Movable Type 4.24, the latest version of the software, released last week.
While doing that, I made a few other changes:
- Userpics on comments are bigger! They also have little icons on them to show if the commenter is using an outside service like OpenID, Livejournal or Vox to sign in. If you don’t want to use any of the sign-in services, but want a pretty comment icon, get a [Gravatar](
- People using outside authentication service now get the “subscribe to comments via e-mail” option. Should have done that ages ago, sorry.
And talking of outside services, Facebook Connect is here! You can use your Facebook account to sign into this blog to comment by clicking “sign in to comment” and choosing the Facebook Connect option. It should both grab your userpic and push your comment into your profile on Facebook – but it’s still a beta plugin, so we’ll see…
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