Le Web: Queen Rania of Jordon

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

![Queen Rania of Jordan](http://www.onemanandhisblog.com/assets_c/2009/12/Queen Rania-thumb-500x332-1523.jpg)

And now, possibly our most high-profile speaker, [Queen Rania of Jordan](http://twitter.com/queenrania). Genuine royalty, rather than the metaphorical tech royalty…
It’s interesting that Queen Rania finds that social media allows her more human relationships with people, dispelling the air of slight deference people take on automatically when around her.
Michael Jackson’s death wiped Iran from the Twitter tending list. Did his demise change the course of the Green Revolution? No. It’s more complex than that – but it illustrates how fleeting social activism can be on social network. 
BUT real time is the new prime time – it’s a place for news, information. collaboration and organisation. 
Number of kids out of school worldwide? 15 times the population of Paris.
In the end, this talk is a call for us to move our activism in social media beyond a hashtag and a sense of self-satisfaction. And that’s a message I can buy into.
She’s encouraging us to to devote “[1 Day for 1 Goal](http://www.join1goal.org/)” – to use our social media outlets to talk about the child education issue for one day. You might have other causes you support. But I think she has a point. The hashtag campaigning has shown that people have a hunger to do more to deal with problems. It’s time to stop being so idealistic and be a little more pragmatic about how social media can change things – as [danah’s talk](http://www.onemanandhisblog.com/archives/2009/12/le_web_danah_boyd_on_social_network_visi.html) so ably illustrated. 
[Once again, [Steph has more notes](http://climbtothestars.org/archives/2009/12/10/leweb09-queen-rania-of-jordan/)]
charityeducationlewebparisqueen raniaroyaltysociety

Adam Tinworth Twitter

Adam is a digital journalism lecturer, trainer and writer. He's been a blogger for over 20 years, a journalist for 30 and teaches audience strategy and engagement at City St George’s, London.
