Media Literacy will not create trust in journalism Paid Members Public
There's an assumption that just training people to be critical of media will help deal with misinformation. That's wrong.

To beat "Fake News", look to… Finland? Paid Members Public
Finland has been fighting Russian information warfare for over five years. What have they learnt?

Engagement: The RSA’s Schools without Walls event Paid Members Public
Liveblogged notes from the RSA event looking at increased community engagement with education, and ways of fostering it.

Don't ban children from using smartphones - teach them to use them responsibly Paid Members Public
The techno panic about children and phones is unnecessary - this is an education issue.
LeWeb: From incremental to disruptive innovation Paid Members Public
What does truly disruptive innovation look like? The opening session of LeWeb 2014’s third and final day set out to explore that in series of talks. Here’s some liveblogged notes: Brian Solis – Innovation as an ecosystem What is possible with disruption when you look beyond a product or
#leweb - The robots are coming for our kids... Paid Members Public
Liveblog of Bruno Maisonnier, Founder & Director, Aldebaran Robotics [] at LeWeb 10 Can robots make the world of education better? Can universes benefit from robots? Can autistic children improve through a robot companion? Can children start enjoying maths when taught by a robot pal? Bruno
Learning, emulation and voice Paid Members Public
[] How unexpected was that? A Bank Holiday weekend, and beautiful weather the whole time. Gorgeous. At least, that’s what I hear. Personally, I was stuck inside marking, a result of having spent part of the past
Like Minds Exeter 2012 Liveblogs - day one Paid Members Public
[] Links to my liveblogs of day one of Like Minds Exeter 2012**Morning session:**- [Russ Lidstone: Why what you do matters]( – Russ kicked off the “ideas festival” with a talk that