#likeminds - rescuing dying business models

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

Panel on rescuing dying business models which is being moderated by Vikki Chowney of [Reputation Online](http://reputationonline.co.uk/)
Kevin Anderson: The scarce commodity is not content, it’s attention. You can’t win just by creating good content, because there’s so much of that. You need to build relationships. 
**Edward Barrow**: engaging with users around content can help cut costs and give information that can allow you to survive longer.
**Kevin**: What will be the differentiator between those print titles that survive? The recession has increased the politics between the digital and print divisions. They need to bury the hatchet and work together. And they need to realise that big budgets do not mean big impact. They have no adopted to the idea that they can’t spend seven figures on a  relaunch and expect that to save them. We’re now in a low margin business. 2005 was the highest year for newspaper profits – achieved by cutting staff. We now have to work smarter – we don’t have the bodies to do everything we do now. We need to cut things. 
We’re in the news business, not the newspaper business. Are you in the music business or the silver disk business?
The difference between journalism and blogging, asks [James Whatley](http://whatleydude.com/), kicking off a bit of a barney… 
And this is where I lost my temper. Some complete and utter horseshit being talked here. Blogging is opinion, journalism is edited facts, apparently. Nonsense. Journalism is an activity, blogging is one format in which journalism can be done, like newspapers, like magazines, like TV, like books. It’s just done in a more social, interactive way. 
And I just got asked to make that point on microphone. 🙂
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Journalismlike minds

Adam Tinworth Twitter

Adam is a lecturer, trainer and writer. He's been a blogger for over 20 years, and a journalist for more than 30. He lectures on audience strategy and engagement at City, University of London.
