When I was growing up, my understanding of who and what journalists actually were was largely defined by the staff of the Daily Bugle, employer of Peter Parker, better known as the Amazing Spider-Man. In particular, they were defined by this chap, the infamous J. Jonah Jameson:
Now, despite then lure of the [Marvel Comics](http://www.marvel.com "Marvel Comics") app on the iPad, I’m not much of a comics reader these days. But [this news from the creators of the current Spider-Man comics](http://www.newsarama.com/comics/spider-man-brand-new-day-ends-100726.html) should be enough to send a chill down our collective spines:
> In the Spidey-verse, I think one of our best ideas was making Jonah mayor. The possibilities of that remain endless, and with newspapers dying, it was a terrific way to give him a powerful presence.
It’s the off-hand way that a creator from another branch of the publishing business dismisses the future of our industry that stands out to me – they think that newspapers are now so unimportant that the character doesn’t carry the same weight as an editor as he once did…
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