Preparing for Le Web 10

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

For the past 24 hours I’ve been in Paris, ready for this year’s Le Web, which kicks off tomorrow. Like the rest of the official bloggers, I had the chance for a backstage tour this afternoon, a chance which I largely blew by getting trapped in traffic with Irene Koehler and Michelle Blanc on the way there. Still, I was able to grab some images of the stage being quite literally set for the next two days. We’re back in Les Docks, the venue of 2007’s conference, which (a) I rather like and (b) is still completely unknown to Parisian taxi drivers. Still, my past experience was that the “three building campus” style of this venue actually made for a highly social conference. Let’s see if that applies again this year.

I’m looking forwards to the next two days of liveblogging. There are some familiar faces on the stages – some might say too familiar – and I’ll be interested to see what new ideas they can bring to the conversation. And there’s some interesting new speakers, too. Time to grab some kip, and get ready for the liveblog frenzy. Bon nuit!

![Camera, ready]( 2.jpg "lewebpre 2.jpg")

![lewebpre 3.jpg]( 3.jpg "lewebpre 3.jpg")

![Le…]( 4.jpg "lewebpre 4.jpg")

![Seesmic workman]( 1.jpg "lewebpre 1.jpg")

Bloggers assemble

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Adam Tinworth Twitter

Adam is a digital journalism lecturer, trainer and writer. He's been a blogger for over 20 years, a journalist for 30 and teaches audience strategy and engagement at City St George’s, London.
