LeWeb: Startup Competition Finalists Paid Members Public
Liveblogging: this post will be updated through the course of the session, and will be prone to error, omission and misunderstanding. You are warned… 😉 **1. **Paper.li [http://paper.li/] I suspect most people reading this are familiar with this service. It turns links from your Twitter and Facebook accounts
LeWeb: Get the kids outdoors for €299 (Augmented Reality) Paid Members Public
Smart phones – are they the idea device for controlling remote control devices? Take, for example this: Controlled by an iPhone (works a little better in places without more than 3000 wifi connected devices…) Toys have lost the war with video games, says Henri Seydoux of Parrot [http://www.parrot.com/
LeWeb: Brain Waves. Literally. Paid Members Public
Ever wanted to control your computer by your brain alone? Ariel Garten, CEO of Interaxon [http://www.interaxon.ca/], is showing us that it could be closer than you realise. She’s also showing us her brain. Not, admittedly, by opening her skull and showing us the meat inside, but
LeWeb: Where now for WordPress? Paid Members Public
It’s been a tricky year in the blogging world – Six Apart, the traditional blog business representative at Le Web has gone, attention has shifted to things like Twitter and Facebook, and new services like Tumblr and Posterous are driving innovation. So, how do Matt Mullenweg [http://ma.tt/] and
LeWeb: Forever Evernote Paid Members Public
 “Nobody is happy with their meat brain,” says Phil Libin [http://twitter.com/#!/plibin]. “Everything important that happens to you can be in Evernote [http://www.evernote.com/].” Evernote is one of those “everything bucket” apps
LeWeb: The Ad-Hoc Snowbound Panel Paid Members Public
After years of listening to Leo Laporte’s TWIT network, I’m now seeing him live… He’s lost one of his panelists to the snow, so Dennis Crowley has stepped in, joining Brent Hoberman of mydeco and Loïc. And we’re talking about entrepreneurship in Europe. Should people just