The end of the year always seems to end up as conference season for me – which is no bad thing. A good conference sends you away full of ideas and enthusiasm for the coming months, and hopefully the current crop will see me intellectually kitted up for the challenges of 2012.
And I’m delighted to say I’ve been invited to be an official blogger for two forthcoming conferences.
**Like Minds**

The [last few Like Minds events]( have been some of my most enjoyable and useful times at conferences in the last few years. [The Exeter conference](, which kicks off next week, has expanded to three days. [Scott Gould]( "Scott Gould") has invited me to join the conference as an official blogger – I’ll be liveblogging sessions on the Like Minds site – so I’ll be there for all three days.
If you can conceivably get to Exeter for those three days ([19 to 21st October](, I really recommend that you do.
**Le Web**
[![LeWeb - Register Now!]()]( can’t quite believe that this will be the sixth [Le Web]( I’ve attended. I know many people who attended the predecessor conferences Les Blogs find that it has grown out of the range they feel comfortable with, but I think [I enjoyed the 2010 Le Web]( at least as much as any other. I’ll be heading to Paris in December as an official blogger once more.
I don’t think there’s any other event where the European and US tech scene meet and mingle quite so much, and I’m really interested to see how the extension of the conference to three days will change how it feels. Let’s hope it’s not [bedevilled by snow]( like it was last year, though…
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