Brilliantly Noisy in Brighton

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

Brilliant Noise at 10 Green Bottles

I’ve been repeatedly promising myself that I’d get more of a sense of what the Brighton digital scene was like since we moved to Shoreham part time a year ago. Cogapp‘s Greg Hadfield has been kind enough to invite me along to a few events, and there’s the ever reliable Brighton Future of News Group, of course. But, honestly, I’ve completely failed to keep that promise to myself.

Thankfully, thanks to an invite from the ever-lovely Antony Mayfield, I finally came some way to fulfilling that goal last night. Antony and his partners were launching a new digital strategy agency Brilliant Noise. And I had a rather lovely night. It felt very different to an equivalent London gathering – more relaxed, more casual dress (one chap came with his sleeping baby strapped firmly to his chest…) – but also more passionate somehow. I spent a good 20 minutes sharing enthusiasm for high-quality printing with like-minded folks after being given a new Digital Noise business card (printed by these folks).

Y’know, I think I might like it here…

*Incidentally, the venue – 10 Green Bottles – is a deeply dangerous place. A wine bar where you can also buy bottles of wine? I’m lucky I made it out of there without a crate or two, after partaking liberally of the generosity of my hosts… *

antony mayfieldBrightonBrilliant Noiseparties

Adam Tinworth Twitter

Adam is a lecturer, trainer and writer. He's been a blogger for over 20 years, and a journalist for more than 30. He lectures on audience strategy and engagement at City, University of London.
