OM&HB Agenda: w/c 21st May 2012

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

The week ahead on the much-neglected One Man & His Blog:

This evening I’m off to the Brian Solis Tweetup in London (all sold out, sorry). It should be a fun evening, but I’ve no idea if anything bloggable will emerge. You’ll find out tomorrow.

Talking of tomorrow, expect some blog catch-up activity, as I have my first day “free” for a while, and getting some serious blogging done is on my agenda, along with some bits of paid work and more unpacking at the new house. In particular, I’m hoping to get some posts done on GameCamp 5.

The Like Minds logo - on the floor

The end of the week is all Like Minds all the time. I’m heading down to lovely Exeter on Wednesday afternoon, and will be liveblogging on the Like Minds site for the following two days. Not quite sure what will appear here…

Tickets are still available, and if you can make it to Exeter for either of the two days, I can highly recommend the event. Like Minds has been one of the highlights of my conference schedule for several years now. It’s a genuinely thought-provoking and challenging event.

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Adam Tinworth Twitter

Adam is a lecturer, trainer and writer. He's been a blogger for over 20 years, and a journalist for more than 30. He lectures on audience strategy and engagement at City, University of London.
