Who wins in the Google versus Apple battle? Us

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

iOS6 promotional image

Fraser Spiers:

I’m not a Google hater. In many ways, I rather wish that we could turn the clock back to 2007 and that ‘merger without merging’ that Eric Schmidt talked about with the integration of Google Maps on the original iPhone. Still, we are where we are and the current intense competition is certainly spurring some welcome innovations.

Spot on. However warm and snuggly the Google / Apple alliance of 2007 was, the current state of open warfare between them is pretty good for the consumer. Android and iOS are spurring each on to greater and great heights, and that’s great news for every smartphone user.


Adam Tinworth Twitter

Adam is a digital journalism lecturer, trainer and writer. He's been a blogger for over 20 years, a journalist for 30 and teaches audience strategy and engagement at City St George’s, London.
