Backed: revisiting the designer of the original emoji
Emoji have rapidly become part of modern life and communication. But how much do you know about their origin, designer - and the very first set?
This is one of the most intriguing Kickstarters I've come across in a long time:
Given the importance emoji have achieved in modern communication, a look back nearly 20 years to the very first set and the designer behind them is fascinating. One could argue that icon designers like Susan Kare and Shigetaka Kurita have had some of the greaterst influence on design in the 21st century, even if their work happened in the 20th.
The Kickstarter is for a book and an iOS or Android keyboard with the original set of Emjoi. At the time of writing, it's just over 50% funded. I'm willing to bet some of you are as interested in internet culture as I am, and will be willing to back thisβ¦
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