One Man & His Blog: the next stage

A change is coming to One Man & His Blog - here's your chance to support my work, and get access to more resources around digital journalism.

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

Astute regular readers might have noted two things from my last post:

So, yes, one of the reasons I've been tracking this functionality in Ghost so closely is that I intend to add a subscriber element to this site in the near future - possibly even this week.

The OM&HB you know now will remain free, as it alway has for the last 16(!) years. But I intend to start building out (indeed, have  already prepared) some members- and subscribers-only resources. When I do training and consultancy work, people often express regret that they can't keep me on, or bring me in more often. This is a way of continuing to provide the digital journalism and online publishing communities with a greater depth of practical resources and anlaysis, for a pretty low monthly price.

The more subscribers I get, the more time I can devote to building out both the free and paid elements of the site. I have no intention of dropping my training and consultancy work - I enjoy them too much - but an additional income stream is always welcome. And I've been hankering to practice what I preach for a few months now. So, hence my move into being a hyper-niche publisher…

I actually started the groundwork for this earlier in the year with the launch of a paid newsletter - Engaged Reading Time. Subscribers to that will be automatically migrated to also being paid subscribers here, at no extra cost - and paid subscribers here will also get the newsletter.

Yes, it's an experiment. Yes, it might fail. But I hope there are enough people out there passionate about the future of engaged, digital journalism that they'll be willing to support this resource.

Stay tuned for more updates later in the week.

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Adam Tinworth Twitter

Adam is a lecturer, trainer and writer. He's been a blogger for over 20 years, and a journalist for more than 30. He lectures on audience strategy and engagement at City, University of London.
