TL;DR Issue 4: Plagarism, Twitter goes blue, and a journalist gets punched in the face
A busy week in social media, journalism and the creator economy. Here it is, all nicely -pre-digested for you.
It's a busy week, so let's stay true to the mission, cut the waffle, and get down to the links…
- 🛒 Google clearly feeling some pressure and trying to recruit small businesses to defend it…
- 👨🏼⚖️ Google wins a court case on privacy. The Open Rights Group is not impressed.
- 🗂 And it might end up supporting IndexNow, a system for letting search engines know that there’s something new to index, which is used by Bing and Yandex. Shades of PubSubHubub here.
- 💻 I forgot to highlight this at the time: Instagram now allows posting from desktop. Could we have the iPad app next?
- ⌛️It’s testing an anti-doom scrolling feature.
- 🤑 Are you ready to pay your favourite Instagrammers for extra content?
- ‼️ It’s just full of plagiarised content
- 👴🏽 And that might be contributing to its youth issue.
- 🌐 Twitter Blue is here — if your here is the United States, Australia, Canada, and New Zealand.
- 🦔 Buried within it is a reborn version of the much-missed Nuzzel.
- 🌆 It’s now showing uncropped images on the web.
- 👨🏻💻 And it’s building out a crypto/blockchain team.
Content Strategy
- ✍🏽 Vox is refining and refocusing its strategy. This is fascinating — it feels like a title that has, naturally, become a little wooly on its focus over time, setting some clear strategy about what’s next for it. It’s all in the execution, though…
- 🤬 The Verge has had it with tech off-the-record background briefings.
- 👺 The truth is paywalled — but the lies are so very free.
- 🏴 MyLondon seems to be working. Why?
Audience Engagement
- 🦄 OpenWeb, a comments and community platform, hits tech unicorn status. A combination of good tech and good community management might well be the future of news-based communities.
- 🙊 The “comments good or bad” discourse is back on.
- 🤦 How NOT to do customer service via social media.
Podcasting and Audio
- 🎧 Short-form, personalised audio news still struggling. Is this a solution searching for a problem?
- 🎙Axel Springer seen the future in audio. But it’s podcasts and discovery-led.
- 🎤 Clubhouse might finally be finding its way as a community space for recording audience participation podcasts.
- 👎🏻 YouTube is hiding dislike counts by default. Some people in social media circles are upset by this, but I think it’s the right call. They’ve been over-weaponised for political and culture war purposes. Defensive design is necessary on social platforms.
- 📧 We haven’t reached peak newsletter yet. (Did people ever talk about peak magazine or peak newspaper?)
Diversity and Recruitment
- 👨🏾🤝👨🏼 Interesting interview with Eleanor Mills about unbalanced news teams.
- 🧑🏻🔬 And the Reuters Institute have a new report out. (They sent me a preview copy — with about 15 hours until the embargo and a full day of lecturing ahead of me. Expect something tomorrow or over the weekend on it.)
Life in Journalism
- 🇵🇭 Profile of Rappler, the investigative news outlet in the Philippines, under extreme government attack.
- 😵 Meanwhile, the UK government is slowly killing FOI.
- 🔥 Poor hack punched in the face for filming an illegal fire.
- 🤗 Has closing Reach’s offices brought journalists closer to their communities?
Listen 👂🏼
Good podcast from Jacob at — I love the way he’s editing extracts from news:rewired sessions into these podcasts. This is a useful one on managing distributed teams.

- RCNi / Nursing Standard looking for an audience engagement assistant.
- And the FT is looking for a Social Media and SEO editor in New York
- Cory Doctorow is not here for your NFT grift
And Finally…
This is an important story to me personally. The hotel that burned down was the place I was staying with my now-wife the weekend I proposed to her. But it’s also good to see organisations reflecting on coverage after the event.

Phew. All done. Hope your week is going well.
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