Who is this shadowy aggregator?

tl;dr: the Facebook-lite edition

Your weekly round-up of news you can use from publishing, journalism and the creator economy.

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

For once, Facebook doesn't seem to be the centre of attention, with big shifts like TikTok expanding to 10 minute videos, Twitter making more changes and some eye-opening moves from Reach dominating the news. Onwards to the links!

Audience Engagement

Business Models


Journalism Practice





The Big Read: We’re not storytellers

Journaolism lecturer lazy cliché #378: “We are storytellers!”

Well, maybe we're not, Maybe journalism is something different…

Why journalists should think twice about calling themselves “storytellers” in today’s partisan environment
Journalists often brand themselves as “storytellers” to signal their reporting expertise. But in new research, Brian Calfano, Jeffrey Blevins and Alexis Straka find that because of the …


Should journalists call themselves ‘storytellers’?
Plus: On the ground with journalists in Mexico, the digital divide among investigative journalists, and why ESPN became politicized

The Big debate: do paywalls create a moral problem?

This one really isn't going away any time soon. The more membership models we have, the more people are excluded from the high-quality news ecosystem. But there won't be a high-quality news ecosystsm without membership models.

The moral dilemma of paywalls: Why journalism will increasingly move into two different worlds
By Alexandra Borchardt, Medieninsider.com

Every “high petrol prices” news package

This made me chuckle. Not quite as good as the old Newswipe parody, but getting there.

tl;dr newsletter

Adam Tinworth Twitter

Adam is a lecturer, trainer and writer. He's been a blogger for over 20 years, and a journalist for more than 30. He lectures on audience strategy and engagement at City, University of London.
