Me. Photo by the late Ann Tinworth. 

TL;DR Issue 3: The “how the hell am I 50?” edition

A big day for me. A load of interesting links for you. Everyone wins. Probably.

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

This is a week designed to make me feel old. On Wednesday, I hit my 20th anniversary of blogging (but not this blog — it will turn 20 in 2023). It’s slightly disturbing to think that many of the students I’m teaching now were pre-schoolers when I started in this game…

And today, I hit my half century.

“How did you get old, Adam?”

“Slowly, and then suddenly…”

While I head off to celebrate with my family, while trying not to weep over the brevity of life and the futility of existence, you can find meaning in some fine, hand-crafted artisanal links…





Audience Engagement



  • 🤝 Wow. Instagram finally restores Twitter preview support. No longer seen as a competitive threat?
  • 💃🏼🕺🏻 New sticker: “Join In”, which looks a lot like TikTok’s duets.


The Big Read: Cancel Culture

No, not that cancel culture. This is a long, and fascinating, list of the reasons people cancelled subscriptions:

Expensive, boring, and wrong: Here are all the news publications people canceled and why
From AdAge to the Wyoming Tribune Eagle.
tl;dr newsletternews digest

Adam Tinworth Twitter

Adam is a digital journalism lecturer, trainer and writer. He's been a blogger for over 20 years, a journalist for 30 and teaches audience strategy and engagement at City St George’s, London.
