Open Data Camp 5: looking back

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

A few weeks ago, I did a weekend’s liveblogging at Open Data Camp 5 in Belfast, alongside the team from Drawnalism. Matt has written the event up on the Drawnalism blog, and I threw together a little video to give you a taste of the event:

All the liveblogged coverage we did [is available on the site](, but there’s a few I’d like to highlight:

I’ve worked on four of the five Open Data Camps now, and they’ve all been a powerful reminder of the potential of unconferences: small gathering of committed people discussing their interests without a formal agenda. In this particular event, bringing people together from both the public and private sectors to discuss what can be done with open data to make better public services, and better commercial businesses, is always compelling. It’s one of those jobs where you feel that you’re contributing to something that actually improves the world.

The demographics of the people attending were quite fascinating.

With so many of the digital journalism events, like Hacks/Hackers, adopting much more formal structures to cope with demand, I wonder if it’s time to look again at an unconference for digital journalism innovation?

If you’d like too hire us for in-the-moment live event coverage and capture, please get in contact with the good folks at Drawnalism.

drawnalismlivebloggingopen dataopen data campunconference

Adam Tinworth Twitter

Adam is a digital journalism lecturer, trainer and writer. He's been a blogger for over 20 years, a journalist for 30 and teaches audience strategy and engagement at City St George’s, London.
