
Open Data Camp 5: looking back Paid Members Public
A few weeks ago, I did a weekend’s liveblogging at Open Data Camp [http://odcamp.org.uk] 5 in Belfast, alongside the team from Drawnalism. Matt has written the event up on the Drawnalism blog [https://drawnalism.com/2017/11/22/at-the-interface-of-open-data/], and I threw together a little video

A passing remark on #Brexit Paid Members Public
From my good friend and occasional colleague Matt Buck [https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=255089044859400&set=a.176948532673452.1073741828.100010749194090&type=3&theater] at Drawnalism [http://drawnalism.com]

Unconference liveblogging at BlueLightCamp Paid Members Public
Liveblogging from Blue Light Camp 2014 with Matt Buck and Drawnalism