3d printing
Everything you need to know about LeWeb London in one photo Paid Members Public
[https://i1.wp.com/www.onemanandhisblog.com/content/images/2013/06/leweb-3d-google-glass.jpg] 3D printing pens. Loïc wearing Google Glass. It’s LeWeb.
Is this the future of fashion? Paid Members Public
I’ve been mildly obsessed by the work of Continuum Fashion [http://www.continuumfashion.com] since I saw Mary Huang speak at NEXT Berlin [http://nextberlin.eu/2012/05/selling-fashion-online-and-printing-clothes/] last year. In particular, their Constrvct [https://constrvct.com] service looks to me far more like the future of fashion

The Zeitgeist Project: The Curators Objectify Paid Members Public
To conclude The Zeitgeist Project Berlin, the eight curators who talked previously returned to the stage to pitch us on their choice of object that best represented the cultural zeitgeist. This is what they picked: Simon Waterfall The one speaker that frightened the life out of him was the Google