When did the BBC start doing such a good job of its podcast pages? Members Public

Clean layout, easy subscribe links for any service you could think of, and a nice integrated player. This is the way to do it.

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

How Boris Johnson gets his news Members Public

From his column in The Telegraph [] **, in which he explains why he barely noticed the BBC journalists’ strike: > I consume vast quantities of news – but almost entirely without the assistance of the BBC. I get up early and

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

Marred Links (Going Cheap) Members Public

A few things that have crossed my radar in the last 24 hours about Mr Marr’s little outburst []: * Paul Bradshaw reminds Mr Marr of his journalistic history [] . Irony is deployed… * Krishnan Guru

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth
andrew marr

Not Inadequate, Single, Bald or Cauliflower-Nosed. Possibly Slightly Seedy. Members Public

I’ve decided to outsource my blogging today, by coming up with an idea for a post, and then simply waiting until someone else writes it. For instance, when Andrew Marr says something as deeply wrong-headed [] as this: > A

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth
andrew marr

Does Conversation Scale? Members Public

The BBC’s Nick Robinson on the comments left on his blog: > “So I’m going to be honest with you and I’ve said this before and I’ve upset some people. I don’t read the comments anything like as much as I used to because there

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

How He Took It To The World Members Public

This is quite, quite lovely: And here’s [how and why it was done]( Good viewin’ and good readin’. I *spoil *you with my links

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

A Few Slightly Geeky Journo Links Members Public

Time for some links: * One of the most consistent themes I hear when talking to journalists around the country is frustration with the web publishing CMS they have to deal with (especially if they’ve ever used any blog platform). In that light, this post about the BBC’s new

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

Headshot Framing for Beginners Members Public

[] Having just been [contemptuous of one branch]( of Auntie Beeb, in the interests of balance, I should be complimentary about another

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth