business models

On journalism and scale Members Public

Felix Salmon []: > And there’s another inconvenient fact for would-be acquirers of the FT: journalism doesn’t have economies of scale. The bigger that journalistic organizations become, the less efficient they get: salaries rise, new layers of editors and managers

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth
business models

Reed Elsevier: a business model under pincer attack Members Public

Robert Andrews highlights the political dangers to the traditional Reed Elsevier [] business model, by quoting a research note from Berstein Research’s Claudio Aspesi [] : > We think the risk posed to the Elsevier business model is substantial. We believe

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth
business models

Sounds: Supplied Members Public

I’m a big fan of the new emerging funding models that the web is bringing. Yeah, there’s Kickstarter, obviously, but I also like the “bundle” promotions that are appearing for software – and now music. I’ve just bagged my third bunch of albums from SoundSupply [http://www.soundsupp.

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth
business models
Katie King chairing a news:rewired session

Making News Mobile - #newsrw Members Public

Live-blogged notes of a panel discussion about making news work on smartphones

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

Sustainably profitable digital publishing - #newsrw Members Public

Panel discussion on sustainable business models, chaired byKathryn Corrick, digital media consultant. Lucia Adams, The Times – When they launched a paywall, people predicted a disaster. But it hasn’t turned out that way, and now all the newspapers are trying to solve the same problem. The big change is the

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

Why traditional publishers can't soothe the crying baby Members Public

I feel rather bad for my colleagues in the national newspaper business this morning. As they trek into their plush central London office, sipping their lattes1, they find the world predicting their doom and destruction. Frédéric Filloux treads a familiar path, contrasting the transitional newspaper approach to selling their stories

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

David Green: Powering an Eco Island's economy with a smart grid Members Public

David Green, Founder Eco-Island Partnership [] [] David was late – but made up for it with a torrent of information about the Eco Island project on the Isle of Wight, which with couple a

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth
business models

Making sustainability pay; getting raw with materials Members Public

So, carpet tiles. Probably not the most exciting thing in the world, but a major component of most office environments. Like all physical building components, they have the potential to be a huge consumer of resources, and therefore somewhere where you can make a difference to sustainability. [https://i1.wp.

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth
business models