digital disruption

Missing Links & Unfinished Thoughts: False Prophets and Useful Tools Paid Members Public
More gems from the published archive, looking at the problem with media innovation, and the first real meme…

Experimenting our way to purpose Paid Members Public
Neil Perkin []: > It’s part of the reason why I have such little patience for the view that we all have one self-evident purpose in life and it is simply a matter of being brave enough to

Are ebook sales really in decline? Paid Members Public
Some sobering news for ebook enthusiasts [] in the New York Times: > Sales of adult books fell by 10.3 percent in the first three months of 2016, and children’s books dropped by 2.1 percent. E-book sales
Has digital disruption for media plateaued? Paid Members Public
Charlie Beckett thinks he detects signs of a stabilisation in media’s transition to digital [] : > At last they had a sense of where the battle lines are: mobile, algorithms, native advertising, millennial’s, wearables, etc. They have moved on
The death of the one hour photo lab Paid Members Public
Sometimes we in media think we’ve been hit hard by digital. Be profoundly glad you don’t run an independent one-hour photo shop: > No other business over the past 15 years has died off with the near-totality of the all-American photo shop. There are now just 190 left