hans rosling
Is Swine Flu Coverage in Balance? Paid Members Public
What’s the ratio of press coverage to deaths for swine flu? I love this because (a) it’s a really good example of how to do a feature visually and (b) because it shows you how massively distorting our current news values can be.[via [O’Reilly Radar](http:
Le Web 3 '07: Hans Rosling Paid Members Public
Alas, for those of us who were here last year, the wonderful Hans Rosling [http://www.gapminder.org/]‘s presentation was much the same as last year.  A few points of interest – his narrative statistics software has been bought by
Hans Rosling at TED Paid Members Public
I think most people who attended LeWeb3 [http://www.onemanandhisblog.com/archives/business/le_web_3/] in Paris last year would agree that Hans Rosling [http://roslingsblogger.blogspot.com/] was the stand out presenter. His graphical presentations of significant society development statistics is awe-inspiring. His recent TED talk [http://www.