
How should journalists use social media? (a hangout) Members Public

When journalists use social media, should they blur professional and personal lines? My Interactive Journalism students [] at City University setup a Google+ Hangout (with some shepherding from Judith Townend []) to discuss the issue [] , and I

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth
city university

A small milestone (and what people miss about journalism) Members Public

I just got my first click-through to this site from a blog written by one of my students on the City University journalism MA. It’s a small milestone, but one that made me oddly happy. Thanks for the link, Jess []. I rather like this, from

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth
city university

Interhacktive Reading: 18/10/12 Members Public

[] Some community-related links, mainly for my community and social media module students at City University – but shared for the betterment of all… * Daily Record suspends comments on football articles [

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

Institutional Knowledge Transfer (journalism edition) Members Public

[] Actually, as annoyed as I am with BT – 11 days without phone and broadband and counting – that’s far from the only reason I’ve been quiet. I’ve been to Berlin for NEXT Service Design [http:

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth