Testing iPad blogging once more Paid Members Public
[](https://i2.wp.com/www.onemanandhisblog.com/content/images/2010/10/039FD970-862C-4D41-B79F-C4844764C1C8IMG_0037.jpg) It’s been a little while since I tested the blogging-readiness of the iPad and the blogging apps have
Jobs is right about newspaper apps Paid Members Public
From an article about Gordon McCloud’s abrupt departure from the Wall Street Journal [https://web.archive.org/web/20101003065111/https://gawker.com/5652305/] : > In a Q&A session with the assembled executives and managers, including Journal editors, Steve Jobs railed against the apps newspapers like the Journal
How to sell your iPad app to readers... Paid Members Public
I wonder how many publishers would have the courage to launch an app with something as entertaining as this? I’m just downloading the app – I’ll report back on it.
Apple iNewsstand incoming? Paid Members Public
Interesting [http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2010-09-17/apple-said-to-negotiate-with-publishers-over-digital-newsstand-for-ipad.html] : > Apple Inc. is developing a digital newsstand for publishers that would let them sell magazines and newspapers to consumers for use on Apple devices, said two people familiar with the matter. The newsstand, designed particularly for the iPad, would be
Making eBooks Just Got Really Easy Paid Members Public
[![SAN FRANCISCO - JANUARY 06: MacWorld attendee...]()](http://www.daylife.com/image/0gfZfmW9IB23a?utm_source=zemanta&utm_medium=p&utm_content=0gfZfmW9IB23a&utm_campaign=z1)Image by [Getty Images](http://www.daylife.com/source/Getty_Images) via [@daylife](http://www.daylife.com)Apple’s an odd company,
The iPad as a blogging tool: not ready Paid Members Public
Back in 2010, it had a long way to go…
About that iPad mag subscriptions panic Paid Members Public
[http://daringfireball.net/linked/2010/07/28/time-sports-illustrated]I saw a lot of buzz overnight about Apple not allowing magazine subscriptions on the iPad [http://mediamemo.allthingsd.com/20100728/time-inc-s-ipad-problem-is-trouble-for-every-magazine-publisher/] , and OMG how is the iPad going to save us now? Steve, you have betrayed us! Except, well, that’s
Flipboard: Changing The Way We Find Content Paid Members Public
I’ve been playing with this on my iPad this morning (like the rest of the social web, it seems): I’ve been waiting for a game changing content app to emerge on the device since I laid hands on the iPad – far too many apps are still rooted in