#dConstruct - Don Norman on embracing systems and complexity Paid Members Public
 Don Norman appears to be scene setting – he’s talking us through many of the current issues in technology. He’s given us a little light Google-bashing,
Valentine's Day is Coming… Paid Members Public
Ah, you can tell that it’s less than a month until that consumerist festival of enforced affection they call Valentine’s Day: Apple have released a pink iPod Nano.The only thing I find remarkable about this is that they actually feel that an additional colour for the line,
Guardian Rubbishes Podcasting, Badly Paid Members Public
A columnist has decided to trash the medium that the paper has done so much to popularise.
Microsoft's (slightly biased) advice Paid Members Public
Following the dominant computer firm’s helpful guide to not buying an iPod Shuffle [http://www.microsoft.com/windows/windowsmedia/devices/flash.aspx], Crazy Apple Rumors gives us some future Microsoft Advice [http://www.crazyapplerumors.com/archives/000419.html]: > • Under no circumstances should your MP3 player be stylish. You
The Young Mayor of Lewisham Paid Members Public
Inspector Sands solicits ideas [http://www.casino-avenue.co.uk/2004_03_01_archive.html#108077204627692978] for what the winner of the Young Mayor of Lewisham election [http://www.lewisham.gov.uk/apps/news/detail.asp?id=883] should do with his or her £25,000. Personally, I think it should
Small but perfectly formed lust Paid Members Public
Dan knows iPod lust [http://empty.typepad.com/empty/2004/01/heartbroken_ii.html] and well he might. I foresee one of those little beauties in Lorna’s future, one way or another.